Today, we talk with Pastor Aaron Jayne about the secret of John's ministry. While so many Christian leaders build a foundation on how much they love Jesus, rather than Jesus' finished wor...
Ten years ago, a few friends and I launched a church trying to solve a problem: Many people are more familiar with what the church is against rather than what the churc...
We can all name them: Who in your organization holds your attention when they speak up? Who can you count on to be the most engaging dinner conversationalist? What speaker ...
In this episode, Paul Louis Cole unpacks the importance of discipling men in these times. He'll delve into the benefits of this discipleship, what's at stake if we don't, and much more!
In this episode, Irene Rollins shares with us about reframing our shame as leaders. She’ll share insights from her new book, Reframe Your Shame, and give you practical tips on how to chan...
by Hannah Zello
Writer’s Block.
It’s an eerie phrase that anyone attempting to write a book, article, or other piece of writing shudders at internally. We’ve all heard about authors or...
Martha Munizzi’s seminal moment in the music industry took place 15 years ago, after she had simultaneously placed two albums (The Best Is Yet to Come and When ...
Trust comes first. It even comes before a word is spoken in a relationship. Trust is hard to build and easy to break. It can be built over many years and lost in one ins...
Today, we sit down with Garrett Booth about his doctoral dissertation, what he’s discovered about pastor’s kids, their experience growing up in ministry households, how pastors can pour i...
You probably know that cliché definition of insanity: doing the same old same old time after time and hoping for a different result. After several years of trying hard to ...
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