Seeing yourself accurately is vital to effective leadership.
    As a leader, if you lack self-awareness, you may know how to do leadership but not know how to be a leader. This combination res...
    About a year ago, I received a phone call from David, who was an executive director of a nonprofit organization. David expressed frustration with the lack of progress in his professional life as ...
In this episode, we’ll talk with Latasha Davis, Lead Pastor of Ministries at Salem Bible Church in Atlanta Georgia, about her role and experience. Female leaders in business or ministry won’t want to ...
    Ever wonder why your personal, professional, and pastoral vision hasn’t come to pass? Do you feel like God has called you to make a difference in the earth but feel stuck where you are with limit...
    I may be concerned about many things, but I am responsible for a few. Place your energies toward the few.
Responsible for a Few Things
    Ultimately, I want everything to go well in the churc...
    I love to tell the story of the 100-year-old man who was celebrating his centennial birthday. Someone stated, “Over 100 years, I am sure you have seen a lot of changes.” He responded, “Yes and I ...
In this episode, we talk with Pastor Jemima Varughese about her leadership role, her journey as a pastor, and how female leaders especially can maximize their potential during this season.
    For many years, I was the primary leader of a successful organization. Until I hit a plateau. It took me 20 years to reach a pinnacle of my dreams-come-true and then nothing. I was still dreaming...
    Jesus says in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” These two roles are laid out pretty clearly: Jesus comes to ...
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