Rules of Engagement

bold mark ramsey wisdom Sep 15, 2022


By Mark Ramsey

Integrity is the ability to live with nothing to prove and nothing to hide. It means that we are the same person in office corridors as we are in the spotlight. On the...

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léonce crump jr Sep 15, 2022


By Léonce Crump Jr.

All of us want to be happy—we do. Augustine, our African church father and perhaps the most influential theologian in history, wrote almost...

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[Podcast] Episode 110: Greg Surratt on the Importance of Fathering Voices in Ministry

greg surratt podcast Sep 13, 2022


In this episode, Greg Surratt shares about ARC, the obstacles and solutions they’ve encountered in the church planting field, the importance of mentors and fathering voices in...

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‘Driver’s Ed’ for the digital highway


With Jonathan & Joanne Brozozog

            With almost enough cell phones for every single person in the world to...

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Unstuck: Discovering your purpose when nothing makes sense

richard perinchief Sep 08, 2022


By Richard Perinchief

Being stuck is one of the worst feelings in the world. If you’ve ever watched a documentary on cave exploring, you may have seen the brave men and...

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[Podcast] Leadership Series: Sam Chand on How Change Has Changed

podcast sam chand Sep 06, 2022


In this top-rated replay episode, Dr. Sam Chand discusses the principles behind his book, Change Has Changed, and how they can help leaders to capitalize on their potential. Find...

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Vertical Reality

garland owensby Sep 01, 2022


By Garland Owensby

Have you ever done something exhilarating, unique or scary? Perhaps you have skydived, eaten exotic food or traveled to a dream destination. If you have done...

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Always Remember That You Are God's Second Choice!

martijn van tilborgh Sep 01, 2022


By Martijn van Tilborgh

I discovered a long time ago the truth of the saying that “information is powerful.” If you’re a preacher, a motivational speaker, a teacher...

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[Podcast] Leadership Series: Ben Dailey on Letting Go of the Pressure to Perform

ben dailey podcast Aug 30, 2022


In this top-rated replay episode, we sit down with Ben Dailey, Lead Pastor of Calvary Church and overseer of the Gospel Circle of Churches & Ministries! We’ll talk about...

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An AVAIL Conversation: Miles McPherson on fighting racism by focusing on similarity versus differences


AVAIL Media Host, Virgil Sierra, recently sat down with Miles McPherson for the AVAIL Podcast. Miles McPherson is the pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego and former...

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