The Power of Ritual

I want to confess right up front that Iā€™m a bit of a productivity nerd. I love learning new hacks and finding those gems in a system or process that make my day go more smoothly and create less stress...

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[Podcast] Episode 81: Jimmy Rollins on Tending to Your Personal Health

In this episode, Pastor Jimmy Rollins shares about his journey and the challenges heā€™s faced as a pastor, leader, and author. Heā€™ll provide powerful insights on ministry health and the importance of n...

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shawn lovejoy Jan 13, 2022

Too many leaders have zero peace because every small decision and question lands in their lap every day.

Sound familiar?

Iā€™ve learned that every organization is perfectly structured for the growth i...

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Back to Back

raven cannon Jan 12, 2022

Have you ever had another leader fail you? Have you faced the disappointment of a leader in your life talking about you behind your back? Have you walked away discouraged from a conversation that head...

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[Podcast] Episode 80: Andy Butcher on the Power of the Press

andy butcher media podcast Jan 11, 2022

In this episode, Andy Butcher, author, journalist, and editorial director, shares with us about his journey in journalism and publishing, the importance of participating and engaging with the media, a...

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The Power of an Idea

natalie born Jan 06, 2022

It was one idea that created the Apples, Teslas and Amazons of the world; one idea that landed a man on the moon. Why is it so hard to get ideas out of our best people and into our organizations? Perh...

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When Disaster Strikes

kathleen cooke Jan 05, 2022

Disasters are never planned, and the world we live in is full of uncertainty. The recent pandemic showed us how fast life can change. We live in the hills of Los Angeles and our home was in jeopardy a...

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[Podcast] Episode 79: Dave Martin on Why Mindset is So Essential

dave martin podcast Jan 04, 2022

In this episode, we talk to Dr. Dave Martin about his book, Mindset Matters, and the wisdom he has to share with us in it. Hear about his story as a pastor and coach, the insights that have helped him...

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Mind the Gap

stephen blandino Dec 30, 2021

We hear a lot in leadership circles about the importance of self-awareness. The reason is simple: good self-awareness brings focus to your growth, whereas low self-awareness undermines your life and l...

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The Race Awakening

kenneth ulmer Dec 29, 2021

Perhaps no topic has dominated our cultural conversation in the last five years more than race. Even when other headlinesā€”such as COVID-19, contentious elections, climate change or the economyā€”have gr...

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