In this episode, we’ll chat with Dr. Sam Chand about his book, Ladder Leaders, and the principles it contains that will help leaders in all spheres of influence. Discover the heart behind the book and...
Generation Z has been called to live and lead in unprecedented times. The dark clouds of surrounding storms have informed their entire earthly journey. Rarely in history has any one generation endured...
We’re bombarded with messages every day. The cumulative effect is powerful. A journal of psychology reports that the average American is subject to between four and five thousand advertisements a day,...
People who get things done are people who are driven by something invisible. Deep within their souls there is something intangible, yet undeniable, that compels them to dig a little deeper, work a lit...
Other than their people, for most churches, their greatest asset—and biggest headache—is their building. All too often, it consumes time and money that might be better invested elsewhere. Now, I’m not...
In this episode, we'll talk with Taylor Barriger, executive pastor at Caminodevida Church in Lima, PerĂş! Taylor shares about his leadership journey in ministry, church-building, international living, ...
The Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother…?” (Genesis 4:9). Today, the Lord is still expecting us to know the whereabouts, the circumstances, of our brothers and sisters. In “knowing,” there is a ...
When I was about four or five years old, my grandfather often took me to do errands with him in his red Chevy truck. He called it “boondoggling.” One day while we were boondoggling, my grandfather sto...
Join us as we sit down with Ben Daily, Lead Pastor of Calvary Church and overseer of the Gospel Circle of Churches & Ministries! We’ll talk about his new book, Captured by Grace, the leadership lesson...
When our church was stuck at attendance of 2,300, I began examining what was hindering us from breaking through that barrier. What was the problem? Had our team reached its limit of capacity so they c...
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