[Blog] Learn, Unlearn, Relearn

blog Sep 15, 2023

By Sam Chand

In the words of Alvin Toffler, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” So, are...

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[Podcast] Episode 159: You are Different, You are Needed with David S. Winston

podcast Sep 12, 2023

God doesn’t need two of the same voices—He needs YOURS, and has defined you by what makes you different! On today’s episode of the AVAIL podcast, we sit down with David S. Winston...

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[Blog] Identifying Your Message

blog Sep 08, 2023

By Martijn van Tilborgh

Everything starts with identifying your message. What is the unique value proposition God has given you? Knowing who you are in Christ is the most important, and most...

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Redefining Success

blog Sep 07, 2023

By Greg Surratt

I got fired from my first three jobs in ministry. When I was in college, my dad hired me to be the youth pastor at his church, which was about 60 miles from where I was going...

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Shrinking Thinking

blog Sep 07, 2023

By Phil Cooke

Anytime the economy is struggling, or during inflationary times, it’s perfectly normal for leaders to look at downsizing their organization—and that includes pastors and...

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Momentumā€™s Best Friend

blog Sep 07, 2023

By Jeff Williams

Momentum is like a freight train running on a track. When your organization has momentum, work hard to keep it because it can carry you further and faster. With momentum,...

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[Podcast] Episode 158: Creativity is a Ministry with Joe Phillips

podcast Sep 05, 2023

Comedy is more than just funny and art is more than just an exercise in creativity—they are the stars of the show of ministry! On today’s episode of the AVAIL podcast, Joe Phillips...

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[Blog] Equipping Your Successor

blog Sep 01, 2023

By Sam Chand

I talk and write a lot about the importance of culture, and how it’s formed. Today, I want to talk about maintaining culture, which is something leaders seldom give themselves...

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[Podcast] Episode 157: Your Message is Their Manna with Martijn van Tilborgh

podcast Aug 31, 2023

We are called to be co-laborers with God, but also to labor FOR Him—as a mouthpiece for His message! Today on the AVAIL podcast, we welcome the one and only Martijn van Tilborgh,...

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Mind the Gaps

blog Aug 31, 2023

His latest book, Turbo Leadership, is a selection of 40 bite-sized reflections from Sam Chand on topics ranging from listening and handling criticism to discovering potential leaders and dealing...

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