Leading Well in Crisis

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2020

In this video, Sam Chand gives leaders practical tips on how to respond to crisis in a way that promotes unity, proactivity, and peace. From communication strategies to how to ask for help, this is...

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Identifying Emerging Leaders

leadership virgil sierra Mar 09, 2020

When any organization begins to grow and expand, the need for identifying new leaders increases.  As the lead pastor of a growing and flourishing church over the last years, I continuously...

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If You Have a Dream – Then Just Do Something

dream leadership phil cooke Mar 01, 2020

No, this isn’t an ad for Nike.  But I was listening to an interview with a health expert and she said that (short of periods of massive famine, war, or disease,) although we know more...

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The Wisdom Gap: The Space Between Leaders and Followers

leadership sam chand wisdom Feb 23, 2020

As a leader, you grow simply by waking up. Isn’t that true? You have leaders and thinkers speaking into your life all day, every day. Today, you will read a book (or portions of it); you will...

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