Design a Creative Culture: Ten principles for stimulating innovation

Right now, during this time of turmoil around the world, creativity will be vital in providing a roadmap out. This is the time to develop a creative culture inside your organization.

So how do you bu...

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A Perfectionist’s Mindset


Want to be nimble enough to navigate the new terrain we’re facing this year and beyond? How do you become innovative in the midst of times like these? It requires letting go of a perfectionist mindset...

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[Podcast] Episode 14: How to Influence Culture During Times of Disruption: A Conversation with Kendra Momon

In this episode, we’ll join Dr. Kendra Momon in a discussion about influencing culture. The reality is, no matter what leadership capacity we serve in, we have the power to change the atmosphere of ou...

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How to Be a Rockstar Online

covid pandemic phil cooke zoom Oct 01, 2020

Everything has gone online in this COVID season. Transitioning your work, events, and other endeavors online is an entirely new ballgame. In this session, Phil Cooke explores practical tips and princi...

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Creating Culture: The secret ingredient to every winning team

     People come from around world to experience Hawai’i. While there are many beautiful places, I often think God placed His special favor on our state. On the day of creation, I can imagine Him sayi...

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[Podcast] Episode 13: Building a Legacy of Surrender: A Conversation with Edward Graham

In this episode, we talk with Edward Graham, grandson of Billy Graham and son of Franklin Graham, about his experience with the military, mental health, and his work at Samaritan’s Purse. This is an i...

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Uncommon Vision: What happens when you look at your world with God’s eyes?

     Close your eyes. Think about your life ten years from now. What do you see? What do you see for your family? For your finances? For your health? Now, do you think those things you’re imagining li...

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[Podcast] Episode 12: Building Global Community: A Conversation with Mark Varughese

In this episode, we sit down with Pastor Mark Varughese of Kingdom City Church, to discuss the current season, how leaders can maximize their potential, and the importance of community.

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The Power of Absence: Leading when presence is impossible and life goes virtual

     “What am I going to do now?” asked Pastor Joe. “We are right in the middle of our annual strategic planning meetings. The team is finally coming together, collaboration and creativity are rising ...

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Creating the Future: How to prepare your organization—and yourself—for succession

     Every leader is an interim leader. Sooner or later, you will leave. With that in mind, it’s best to plan for your departure. Succession is not about filling leadership vacancies; it’s about creat...

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