[Podcast] Episode 64: Back to Leadership with Esther Moreno: A Heart for Children

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we'll conclude our Back to Leadership series by diving back into Esther Moreno's AVAIL Podcast episode, "A Heart for Children." This episode breaks down Esther's ...

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Live to Give: How Open Hands Lead to Open Hearts

Our family was eating dinner one night at one of our favorite local restaurants. The waitress was a young lady who was very pregnant. As I was about to pay our bill, I suddenly felt led to give her a ...

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Keep Them in the Know

I've had countless conversations with leaders in business and the non-profit world who can't understand why their staff members and board are 'so negative,' 'complain all the time,' or 'are always fin...

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[Podcast] Episode 63: Back to Leadership with Charles Jenkins: Seasons and Transitions

In this episode, we'll continue our Back to Leadership series with Charles Jenkins' applicable and timely AVAIL Podcast episode, "Seasons and Transitions." Charles will break down the key strategies l...

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Mental Toughness: Courage must multiply as your life amplifies.


By Charles Jenkins

Mental toughness is “the ability to work hard and respond resiliently to failure and adversity; the inner quality that enables individuals to work hard and stick to ...

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Into the Unknown: Why achieving greatness always means risking failure

It was 1961, and the Soviet Union had just launched the first man into space. President Kennedy responded to this extraordinary feat by saying, “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achi...

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[Podcast] Episode 62: Back to Leadership with Sam Chand: Leadership Simplified

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we're diving back into Sam Chand's "Simplified Leadership" AVAIL Podcast episode. This insightful discussion simplifies the intricate responsibilities of leadersh...

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Confronting Compromise: Stand for truth, no matter what


By Joe Champion

As leaders, we don’t get to write the script for our lives ahead of time, and there’s no way to predict the future and there’s no way to control every circumstance. The o...

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The High Price of Popularity

What do you think is the number-one reason people fall short of fulfilling their goals in life? Is it a lack of knowledge? A lack of experience? Is it a lack of capital? The lack of a strong work ethi...

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[Podcast] Episode 61: Navigating & De-escalating Challenging Conversations: A Conversation with Josh Denhart

 In today’s episode of the AVAIL Leadership Podcast, we’re sitting down with Josh Denhart. Josh Denhart is passionate about children’s ministry, which he brings a unique, engaging element to through h...

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