[Podcast] Leadership Series: Dave Martin on Why Mindset is So Essential

dave martin podcast Aug 16, 2022


In this top-rated replay episode, we revisit our conversation with Dr. Dave Martin about his book, Mindset Matters, and the wisdom he has to share with us in it. Hear about his story as a...

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Passion Fruit

dave martin passion service May 11, 2022


By Dave Martin

Perhaps one of the reasons people have such a difficult time seeing the obvious is because they misunderstand the nature of a God-given passion. A God-given passion is abo...

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Choosing Self-Confidence

dave martin Feb 23, 2022

Belief in yourself is a choice, an attitude you develop over time, not an accident or an anomaly of nature. Belief in yourself is a deep-seated awareness that, at least in one area, God has made you t...

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Never Give In

Winston Churchill was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. He may very well be the primary force that saved Western civilization from tyranny and oppression. But Churchill was forced to le...

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[Podcast] Episode 79: Dave Martin on Why Mindset is So Essential

dave martin podcast Jan 04, 2022

In this episode, we talk to Dr. Dave Martin about his book, Mindset Matters, and the wisdom he has to share with us in it. Hear about his story as a pastor and coach, the insights that have helped him...

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Success Doesn’t Just happen

dave martin failure success Dec 16, 2021

Our parents knew something that most of us still don’t know: Failure is the default position in life. That’s right! Failure is the default setting for those who do not know what they are doing. So whi...

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Seeds of Thought

dave martin Nov 25, 2021

A seed looks like a tiny, insignificant lump of matter. In reality, however, a seed is one of the most amazing things in the world. Inside that little seed, there is an invisible “code” that God place...

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The Common Motivator

dave martin Oct 27, 2021

People who get things done are people who are driven by something invisible. Deep within their souls there is something intangible, yet undeniable, that compels them to dig a little deeper, work a lit...

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Intentional Growth

dave martin growth wisdom Oct 13, 2021

When I think of wisdom, I am reminded of the second-grade student who raised his hand in class to ask his teacher a question. “What did I learn today?” the boy inquired as the teacher was ending her s...

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Return on Investment

Have you ever purchased a house? If so, then you understand the concept of value. If the seller of a house is asking you to pay $200,000 for that house, you will automatically order an appraisal to ma...

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