A Second Lease on Life: Seeing Opportunities in the Season of VUCA

“All these men understood the temper of the times and
understood the best course for Israel to take.”

1 Chronicles 12:32

The year 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic changed almost everything. But maybe n...

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Essential Services: The three values that define a leader in crisis

     Have you ever considered this? COVID-19 is not the first pandemic we have faced. Generations before us have weathered similar crises—and survived. In fact, that is why we are still here! Not to m...

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How to Be a Rockstar Online

covid pandemic phil cooke zoom Oct 01, 2020

Everything has gone online in this COVID season. Transitioning your work, events, and other endeavors online is an entirely new ballgame. In this session, Phil Cooke explores practical tips and princi...

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The Zoom Church Revolution

2020 will go down as the year of the great disruption. Just when you and I thought this was going to be an epic beginning of a new decade, it became the year that regular church changed forever. This ...

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