[Podcast] Episode 88: Phil Klein on Promoting Organizational Health

In this episode, we discuss the factors of organizational health with Phil Klien, the founder of focus412. Find practical advice on how to form a healthier leadership paradigm, the qualities of lead l...

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The Power of Ritual

I want to confess right up front that Iā€™m a bit of a productivity nerd. I love learning new hacks and finding those gems in a system or process that make my day go more smoothly and create less stress...

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[Podcast] Episode 47: Investing in Others: A Conversation with Brent Wilson

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, weā€™re sitting down with Brent Wilson! Brent has extensive experience in the education industry, currently serving as the Superintendent of the non-profit school n...

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Functional vs. Organizational Leaders

What are the transitions that brought you to where you are? Two things are indicative of our journey in leadership: there are two types of leaders.

Everybody starts off as a functional leader. If the...

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