Seeing Around Corners

natalie born Jul 21, 2022


By Natalie Born

When it comes to leadership, what separates good from great? One of the most important attributes of an innovative leader is...

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Beautiful Limitations

When most people imagine innovation, they think of increasing human capital, millions of dollars and limitless possibilities. The truth is that’s not what innovation looks like for the...

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The Power of an Idea

natalie born Jan 06, 2022

It was one idea that created the Apples, Teslas and Amazons of the world; one idea that landed a man on the moon. Why is it so hard to get ideas out of our best people and into our organizations?...

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Collaborative Conversations: A three-step process for stimulating creativity

Creating an innovation culture is a goal of almost every organization, yet most don’t know where to begin.

In the dot-com days, it felt easy to identify a company’s “innovation...

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[Podcast] Episode 56: Innovation Meets Leadership: A Conversation with Natalie Born

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we’re sitting down with Natalie Born. Natalie is the Founder of Innovation Meets Leadership and VP of Innovation for Territory Global. In today’s...

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From Loss to Lesson: How to innovate through failure

There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period. —Brené Brown

Creating breakthrough innovation is not an easy undertaking. If it were, everyone would do it. It takes a...

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A Place at the Table: The hidden power of leadership diversity

When I was beginning my career, I had an incredible male boss whose advice and words of wisdom still echo in my mind today when I make important decisions. When leadership is done well by others,...

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