An AVAIL Conversation: Robert Barriger on guiding principles for making decisions in a complicated world

AVAIL Media Host, Virgil Sierra, recently sat down with Robert Barringer for the AVAIL Leadership Podcast. Robert and his wife, Karyn, arrived in Peru 38 years ago as missionaries and planted a church...

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[Podcast] Episode 37: Filters: A Conversation with Robert Barriger

In this episode, we're sitting down with long-time Pastor Robert Barriger! Robert Barriger is a missionary pastor and founder of his church Camino de Vida, (translated Body of Life) in Peru! Today, he...

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[Podcast] Episode 26: Advance, Living Unstuck and Moving Forward in Faith: A Conversation with Sarah Wehrli

In this episode, weā€™re sitting down with speaker, author, and executive director Sarah Wehrli! Weā€™ll discuss her experience in ministry and what inspired her to write Advance, Living Unstuck and Movin...

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A High Call: How Christ Mission College is training an elite force of non-traditional missionaries

Ā Ā Ā Ā  When Oscar and Perla Alvarado were studying at Christ Mission College (CMC), they never knew how relevant their experiences at the San Antonio school would prove to be five years after graduation...

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