Downward Mobility


By Matt Green

My years in publishing and communications have given me appreciation for an intriguing headline. A recent NPR caption earned the proverbial chef’s kiss: “A broken toilet on...

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The Fear Factor

failure fear matt green May 27, 2021

Robert Greene, in his book, The 48 Laws of Power, recounts an incident when a heckler interrupted Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev in the middle of a speech in which Khrushchev was criticizing his pre...

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[Podcast] Episode 46: Storytelling and Marketing: A Conversation with Matt Green

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we’re sitting down with Matt Green! Together, we’ll discuss Matt’s extensive experiences in the marketing, communications, and editing industries and delve into t...

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Family Planting: How to plant a church the new-fashioned way

The marketplace of church-planting methodologies is a crowded one—from the franchise and multi-site models to denominational strategies based on local demographic research or the number of churches in...

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Behind the Lens: Media guru Phil Cooke on online church, virtual leadership and making your message stick in a digital world

As a pastor’s kid, Phil Cooke filled a million communion cups and mowed the grass in the church cemetery.

But behind the scenes, he was hiding a secret. What Cooke really loved was movies, and he had...

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