There is so much pressure on people to succeed, pursue ambitions, do bigger things, do better things, make more money, use their gifts, have the right friends, get the promotions, and acc...
After nine years of meeting twice a week in a high school auditorium, our congregation grew to a little more than two hundred people. We began saving aggressively to purchase a church bui...
Most leaders have good intentions about growing and learning. They tell you they're committed to their development in all areas, but very few can point to an actual, written plan. The hard truth is th...
When our church was stuck at attendance of 2,300, I began examining what was hindering us from breaking through that barrier. What was the problem? Had our team reached its limit of capacity so they c...
When I think of wisdom, I am reminded of the second-grade student who raised his hand in class to ask his teacher a question. “What did I learn today?” the boy inquired as the teacher was ending her s...
Some of us are more than a little impatient with the pace of our growth. I've learned to set major growth goals each quarter in no more than two key roles. Although I know I need to grow in every role...
If a leader is growing, then gifted, passionate leaders are eager to join and contribute, and the organization almost certainly grows. But when leaders aren't growing, the best people stay away, and t...
In this episode, we sit down with Louis Carr. Louis Carr has been President of Media Sales at BET for more than 30 years! In addition, he is also an author, motivational speaker, and philanthropist wh...
    About a year ago, I received a phone call from David, who was an executive director of a nonprofit organization. David expressed frustration with the lack of progress in his professional life as ...
In my ministry growth and development, I stumbled upon a fantastic strategy. It not only works for me, but is also in keeping with verified brain research. The brain is an interesting organ—it’s const...
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