Hoist the Sails: Unleashing the church through educational partnership

In March 2020, we witnessed something unexpected: deserted city streets, a masked population, and a shutdown that created ripples we can still feel and see more than a year later.

The assumptions we ...

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[Podcast] Episode 47: Investing in Others: A Conversation with Brent Wilson

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we’re sitting down with Brent Wilson! Brent has extensive experience in the education industry, currently serving as the Superintendent of the non-profit school n...

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A Well-Fed Mind: Seven reasons to pursue continuous education

I clearly remember the phone call from my CEO, Martijn van Tilborgh, sometime in the fall of 2015.

“You should launch a leadership institute, Sam!” he said.

Even though his enthusiasm intrigued me, ...

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A Lever to Move the World: Education + Technology = Transformation

When I was a young boy, my grandfather, Dale Mathews would watch me exhaust myself while completing an extremely hard task. He would look at me and smile, then shake his head and say, “Mike, did you k...

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