Detour to Dreams: How to find opportunity in your opposition

Five words at the bottom of the TV screen captured my attention: “She gave birth in chains.” I quickly turned the volume up to hear a 27-year-old Sudanese woman tell the account of how she was impriso...

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Visualize This!: How your brain gives substance to your dreams

dave martin dream goals vision Jul 08, 2021

Jim Carrey is one of the most beloved and successful comedians of my generation. But during his early days of modest success and career-building, his vision was to play lead roles in highly successful...

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The Bridge of Destiny: How strategy can turn your dreams to reality

“I don’t even know how I lost,” said a bewildered Adonis Creed.

“Your mind wasn’t right,” was Rocky’s answer in the movie Creed II. “And your natural style won’t work with a guy that big.”

I have th...

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Never Give Up-ish: Why finding your 'sweet spot' may mean giving up your 'dream spot'

dream passion ryan leak skills May 13, 2021

At the Aspen Music Festival in 1971, a 17-year-old girl with dreams of becoming a professional pianist capable of playing the world’s greatest stages, realized she would never be good enough.

She had...

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Helping Others Dream: Discover the joy of coaching

     As generational and economic shifts continue to influence our world, rewards and challenges will come in equal measure. What skills, experience and passions do you have that could help others dre...

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If You Have a Dream – Then Just Do Something

dream leadership phil cooke Mar 01, 2020

No, this isn’t an ad for Nike.  But I was listening to an interview with a health expert and she said that (short of periods of massive famine, war, or disease,) although we know more about health and...

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