Building Back to the Future: An exclusive interview with Delta CEO Ed Bastian


By Dr. Tom Mullins

In the past years we all have been navigating through a time of crisis that has impacted all of us.  The political tension, racial unrest and COVID pandemic combined t...

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Our Brothers’ Keeper: Healing the wounds of homelessness

The Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother…?” (Genesis 4:9). Today, the Lord is still expecting us to know the whereabouts, the circumstances, of our brothers and sisters. In “knowing,” there is a ...

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An AVAIL Conversation: Louis Carr on diversity, leading in crisis and advice he would give his 30-year-old self

Avail Media Host, Virgil Sierra, recently sat down with Louis Carr for the Avail Leadership Podcast. Louis Carr is a media mogul, motivational speaker, philanthropist, and author. With over 30 years o...

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Essential Services: The three values that define a leader in crisis

     Have you ever considered this? COVID-19 is not the first pandemic we have faced. Generations before us have weathered similar crises—and survived. In fact, that is why we are still here! Not to m...

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The Shadow Side: How Crisis Can Bring Out the Best––and the Worst–– in Leaders

     A magnifying glass has been held up to all leaders over the last few months. How will they respond to the worldwide crisis of COVID-19? The magnifying glass has illuminated a great deal of good—a...

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[Podcast] Episode 4: Lessons Learned from the COVID Crisis: A Conversation with Courtney McBath

In this episode, we join Bishop Courtney McBath as he shares about his latest book, 4C Leadership: Lessons Learned from the COVID Crisis. During this season, it’s essential for leaders in ministry and...

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More Than Just Survival

     Ever since this current season of crisis started, I’ve seen churches respond by transitioning from doing church a certain way to simply producing an online version of the same thing they’ve alway...

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3 Categories of People During Crisis

I spend a lot with influencers in my professional work. One thing this pandemic has done is it has allowed us to multiply ourselves. Normally, when you speak or attend meetings, you physically travel ...

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Steadiness: Why Your Team Needs Your Reassurance During Crisis

If you’ve ever led in the midst of a crisis, no matter how large, you know that teams work together in a different way when challenges arise. Crisis times are stressful; there’s change happening at li...

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