[Podcast] Episode 69: Taylor Barriger: Becoming a Creative Leader

In this episode, we'll talk with Taylor Barriger, executive pastor at Caminodevida Church in Lima, PerĂş! Taylor shares about his leadership journey in ministry, church-building, international living, ...

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The Creative Leader

Unconventional is a word that best describes Erwin McManus, the founder and lead pastor of Mosaic, a megachurch in Los Angeles. Like many church leaders of his stature, he writes books, speaks at conf...

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[Podcast] Episode 45: Media and Creation: A Conversation with Kathleen Cooke

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast we’re sitting down with founder, author, and mom, Kathleen Cooke! Together, we’ll discuss Kathleen’s experiences in the media industry, her creative ventures, and ...

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Design a Creative Culture: Ten principles for stimulating innovation

Right now, during this time of turmoil around the world, creativity will be vital in providing a roadmap out. This is the time to develop a creative culture inside your organization.

So how do you bu...

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[Podcast] Episode 14: How to Influence Culture During Times of Disruption: A Conversation with Kendra Momon

In this episode, we’ll join Dr. Kendra Momon in a discussion about influencing culture. The reality is, no matter what leadership capacity we serve in, we have the power to change the atmosphere of ou...

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Professionals Know How to be Creative on Schedule

One of the big reasons I admire athletes is that they have to perform. In front of stadiums filled with people, they have to be excellent on a schedule. To make that happen, they must be in a regular ...

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How I Capture Ideas, and Why You Need to Start

Today, we live in a creative economy, and the best ideas are king. Even businesses like banks, manufacturing, and service industries are all realizing the importance of creativity. So if you desire to...

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