Coloring Outside the Lines

What does it mean to color outside the lines?

When I reference lines and colors, I’m talking about the defaults and templates that exist in our business and ministry worlds. There are certain...

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The Wisdom Gap

leadership sam chand wisdom May 25, 2020

If you’re the lead leader in your organization, you’re likely familiar with something called the wisdom gap. Even if you don’t call it by that name, the wisdom gap plays an...

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Become Indispensable

Here’s a personal development thought for your day. It’s simply this: become indispensable. Most of us are part of a team and/or organization, and the secret to maintaining and growing...

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Automate Everything

I have a passion for automation—for setting up systems and processes that reduce human involvement and maximize ministry output.

For example, during my time in ministry, I kept an email...

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Everything Has Capacityā€” Yes, Including You

What is capacity? It’s the margin and space we have for taking on new things. All of us have things on our plate right now—no matter what stage of life you’re in or what your...

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How I Capture Ideas, and Why You Need to Start

Today, we live in a creative economy, and the best ideas are king. Even businesses like banks, manufacturing, and service industries are all realizing the importance of creativity. So if you...

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The Historical You and the Possible You

As you live your life today, there are two versions of “you” that influence your beliefs and decisions. All of us have the choice as to which version we will fixate on more, and which...

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How to Be the Best Mediocre You

"If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.”              —Anonymous

If you desire...

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The Damage of Showing Up Late ā€“ Even a Little

I met a producer the other day who was really frustrated. He doesn’t perform well at meetings, he continually gets turned down for jobs, and his career is suffering. I met with him...

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The Number One Cause of Failed Leaders

What’s the greatest destroyer of leadership?

What can undermine your potential faster than anything else? What’s the number one cause of failed leaders—on personal,...

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