The Power of Teams

blog Oct 31, 2024

By Natalie Born

In 2000, Russell Crowe starred as Maximus in a movie called Gladiator. There’s a scene in which he is in an arena with a small army of gladiators facing several chariots that have an unmistakable advantage. In the past, these gladiators would have fought individually, resulting in their deaths, one by one. Everyone cheers for the chariots; that’s how this game is supposed to be played.

However, Maximus decides to flip the script. He uses his leadership and ingenuity to rally the rabble into an organized army that defies the odds. There’s a pivotal moment in the movie where he instructs the other gladiators to interlock their shields and move “as one.”

In a huge upset, Maximus and his army are victorious with less training and fewer resources because they move as one. Ultimately, the team that can move as one is always a better bet than a group of individuals who, although talented on their own, can’t team together. When we combine our efforts and energy and move in the same direction, we become unstoppable. This is crucial because most organizations are made up of individual players—not powerful teams.

The team that can move as one wins almost every time. Focusing on creating healthy teams paves the way for innovation. Healthy teams create a plan, communicate the plan and stick to the plan. This creates clarity for the entire organization.

As 2025 quickly approaches, let me ask you: Do your teams know what they need to do to move as one? Teams that move as one are in lockstep with each other.

Vision alignment. Your strategy should be aligned with the vision, mission and values of your organization. This creates clarity for everyone at every level.

Measurable outcomes. More than 60% of strategic plans fail during implementation due to a lack of clarity on how to measure success. Establish measurable KPIs (key performance indicators) that foster accountability and drive success.

Cohesive strategy. For longterm success, your entire organization, from the leadership team to the newest employees, must be unified in their understanding and approach. Focus on maintaining momentum and ensuring that your strategy remains strong, even when others falter midway through the year.

Can you answer yes to the following 

Have we created a vision, mission and values that are accessible to the team?

Can my team can clearly articulate our vision, mission and values?

Has our leadership team taken the time to create core goals or strategies for the year?

Does my team know our core strategies for each year, and do they know how their job moves the needle on those core strategies?

If you find yourself answering no to any of these questions, fear not. Many organizations are in the same position. But let’s be honest: Until you can say yes to all these questions, your team will find it hard to get clear about what they do. Moreover, it will be challenging to know how to make good decisions in your absence. It’s hard to move as one.

When teams have this level of clarity, they don’t have to be pushed to work on the right things. They know what’s important to the plan. A strategic plan helps you set a course for the organization and ensures you stick with it. When done right, you move as one and win the mission.

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