[Podcast] Episode 94: Bianca Olthoff on Being Chosen and Called

Today, we’ll continue our women leaders series with a conversation with Bianca Olthoff, founder of In the Name of Love and co-pastor of The Father’s House Orange County. Join us for an honest discussion about the challenges and pains of leadership, as well as an inspiring look at Bianca’s journey and the lessons she’s learned along the way!

0:00: Introduction with Bianca Olthoff

4:00: Why Leaders Feel Unqualified

8:30: Feeling Qualified: Bianca’s Journey

14:30: Understanding That We’re Chosen

19:30: Embracing Your Chosenness

24:30: Leadership is Messy

30:00: The Importance of Soul Care

35:30: What’s Exciting about Being a Leader?

38:00: Rapid-Fire Questions

44:30: Offers and Final Thoughts

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