[Podcast] Episode 204: Uncut Gems with Paul Godin

podcast Jul 23, 2024

In this episode of the AVAIL podcast, Paul Godin, author of Uncut Gems, discusses what many leaders in the marketplace have been missing: they are looking outside of their organization for their diamonds when their diamonds may be right under their noses. Paul describes the process of surveying, excavating, shaping, setting, and reproducing your human capital to build a people-centered organization.

00:00 Introduction and Overview

04:05 Inspiration Behind Book Uncut Gems

7:29 Target audience for book

9:05 The tension between importing external talent and developing internal talent

13:37 Progression of book chapters/themes

25:10 Diamond miner vs. jewelry thief

28:54 Reader takeaways

32:40 Paul’s work as a consultant

34:55 Connect with Paul and buy Uncut Gems

35:58 Other companion resources to Uncut Gems

37:02 AVAIL Journal

37:30 Final Words

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