[Podcast] Episode 200: Writing from the Heart with Megan Adelson

podcast Jun 25, 2024

Reading new content can change the way you do something, but heartful content can change who you are. On today’s episode of the AVAIL podcast, we interview Four Rivers Media author coach Megan Adelson. Megan shares the secret sauce to freeing readers from their deepest fears—raw, unadulterated vulnerability—and her approach in coaching authors through the process.

00:00 Introducing with Megan Adelson

6:10 All about author coaching

12:19 The discomfort of writing a book

13:45 Inspiration behind AVAIL article

20:12 Who inspired the article and what it takes to write a book

23:24 Common obstacles for authors and overcoming them

27:20 Stories vs. content

30:25 Honesty vs. authenticity

34:51 Get in contact with Megan

36:06 AVAIL Journal

37:06 Final words of wisdom

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