[Blog] Eyes on the Prize

blog Jul 15, 2022


How to Market Your Book after It Hits the Shelves

You’ve dreamed of this moment for years—or maybe, you’re still dreaming about it: the moment you hold your book in your hands. It’s finally survived the writing, editing, and production processes, and it’s ready to be sold! You’ve done it!

…Except for the fact that now, it’s time to market it.

How do you get more eyes on your book, make it more accessible to your target audience? We have a multitude of ideas on the subject—and our team is ready to help you choose the options that fit best with your target demographic and your message! So get out something to take notes with and get inspired!

Social Media

Ever heard of BookTok? It’s taking TikTok by storm. Authors share their books even before they’re fully finished, garnering audiences that can’t wait for the release date. Readers share their favorite volumes, offering helpful reviews and feedback for those interested in the same genres.

Perhaps you’ve seen someone do a live reading on Instagram or Facebook Live. It’s never been easier to instantly connect with your audience, whether you’ve already begun to follow them or they’re out there waiting to discover your book!

You’re probably already utilizing social media to promote, educate, and connect people with your resources. Your book is no different! Do some research into how authors like you are using these tools, and think outside the virtual box!

Host a Local Event

Authors frequently host book signings at local shops, libraries, parks, or other venues! Your area probably has a book fair once or twice a year that’s designed for writers like you to showcase your hard work. Readers are looking to support local authors as well, so find out what’s going on in your area and make that call—however scary it might be at first. You never know who you’ll meet or who wants to display your title on a bookstore table!

Get Publicity Through Friends and Supporters

Who says you’re the only one on your marketing team (besides us, of course!)? Recruit friends and family to pass along the word about your book! The more shared posts, promoted events, and passed-along purchase links in your circle, the more exposure your book will get! And that’s good news not just for you, but for those you wrote it for, who need the message it carries!

Look at Your Competition

Speaking in marketing terms, you can learn a lot from your competition. Those in the same genre, writing in the same niche, with the same intended audience as you, are likely onto some tips and tricks that you haven’t encountered yet. So stalk some accounts, read up on authors in your area of expertise, and see what others have already experimented with in the past. It’s not wrong to respect and acknowledge your competition! They have a wealth of knowledge to provide.

No matter what stage of the writing, editing, or publishing process you’re currently in, Four Rivers Media is designed to equip you with resources and services to maximize your message. We’re passionate about making your book the best that it can possibly be—that’s why we want to get to know you and your message first!

Get in touch with us today, and let us help you market your book to the people who need the message you have to share! And hey, if we’re in the area when your local book signing comes around, we’ll be there!

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